Property Management is doing our part
to help reduce unnecessary paper waste."
Through JBC Property Management’s continuous
improvement efforts and attitude of, “never being satisfied with the norm”, we are
proud to announce our latest initiative, “Job Streaming.” Monthly client
financial reports will be automatically e-mailed in custom formats to most Board
members, rather than mailing or delivering printed copies. It is estimated that
in 2009 alone, this practice will result in a net reduction of 1.250 tons of
copy paper usage.
This savings equates into the sum of:
30 trees
4 tons of raw wood product
48 million BTU’s
7,113 pounds of CO2 emissions
23,844 gallons of wastewater (used in the
paper manufacturing process)
2,848 pounds of solid waste
Environmental impact estimates were made
using the Environmental Defense Paper Calculator. For more information